D.E.A. (fr.) Andreas Thomsen

Diplôme d'études approfondies (D.E.A.) Numerische Analysis + Statistik (Paris VI, Frankreich), (als Abschluß in Deutschland anerkannt)


  • Mathematische Methoden in den Geowissenschaften
  • geowissenschaftliche 3D/4D-Modellierung
  • Datenbanken


Aktuelles Projekt:

"Rechnergestützte kooperative Trassenplanung in mehrskaligen 3D-Stadt und Bauwerksmodellen" ("3D Tracks")



Butwilowski, E.; Thomsen, A.; Breunig, M.; Kuper, P.V.; Al-Doori, M. (2014): Modeling and Managing Topology for 3-D Track Planning Applications. In: M. Breunig, M. Al-Doori, E. Butwilowski, P.V. Kuper, J. Benner, K.H. Haefele (Eds.) 3D Geoinformation Science - The Selected Papers of the 3D GeoInfo 2014, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer, 37-53, in print, 2015.
Breunig, M.; Butwilowski, E.; Kuper, P.V.; Golovko, D.; Thomsen, A. (2013): Topological and Geometric Data Handling for Time-Dependent Geo-Objects Realized in DB4GeO. Advances in Spatial Data Handling, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartographpy, Springer, 1-13, 2013.
Breunig, M.; Butwilowski, E.; Golovko, D.; Kuper, P.V.; Menninghaus, M.; Thomsen, A. (2013): Advancing DB4GeO. Progress and New Trends in 3D Geoinformation Sciences, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer, 193-210, 2013.
Thomsen, A.; Götze, H.-J.; Altenbrunn, K. (2012): Towards information management for the synoptic interpretationof complex geoscientific models ? the virtual CO2 storage project ?CO2-MoPa? as an example. Z. geol. Wiss 40 (2012), Nr. 6, S. 393-415
Breunig, M.; Butwilowski, E.; Kuper, V.P.; Paul, N.; Thomsen, A.; Schmidt, S.; Götze, A.-J. (2011): Handling of spatial data for complex geo-scientific modelling and 3D landfill applications with DB4GeO. In A. Schwering, E. Pebesma, and K. Behnke, Proceedings Geoinformatik 2011. Geochange, Heidelberg: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 15-20, 2011.
Breunig, M.; Schilberg, B.; Thomsen, A.; Kuper, P.V.; Jahn, M.; Butwilowski, E. (2010): DB4GeO, a 3D/4D Geodatabase and its Application for the analysis of landslides. In: Konecny, M.; Zlatanova, S.; Bandrova, T.L. (Hrsg.): Geographic Information and Cartography for Risk and Crisis Management.
Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Heidelberg : Springer LNG&C, 2010, S. 83-102.
Paul, N.; Breunig, M.; Butwilowski, E.; Thomsen, A. (2010): n-d-topological data structures: some theoretical and pragmatic considerations for GI-Science. GIScience 2010, Zürich, extended abstract, 5p., 2010.
Thomsen, A.; Schmidt, S.; Götze, H.-J.; Breunig, M.; Schilberg, B.; Kuper, P.V. (2010): On the way to synoptic interpretation of geoscientific data in joint CCS project CO2-MoPa. In: Zipf, A. ; Behncke, K. ; Hillen, F. ; Schefermeyer, J. (Hrsg.) : Die Welt im Netz - Geoinformatik 2010, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AKA GmbH, 2010, S. 156-163.
Breunig, M.; Schilberg, B.; Thomsen, A.; Kuper, P.V.; Jahn, M.; Butwilowski., E. (2009): DB4GeO: Developing 3D geo-database services. Accepted for: 4th International 3DGeoInfo Workshop, Ghent, Belgium, Springer, 6p., 2009.
Breunig, M.; Broscheit, B.; Thomsen, A.; Butwilowski, E.; Jahn, M.; Kuper., P.V. (2008): Towards a 3D/4D geo-database supporting the analysis and early warning of landslides. Proceedings Cartography and Geoinformatics for Early Warning and Emergency Management, CD publication, Prag, 9p., 2008.
Thomsen, A.; Breunig, M.; Butwilowski, E.; Broscheit, B. (2008): Modelling and managing topology in 3D geoinformation systems. Proceedings of 3D Geoinfo 07, Delft, Advances in 3D Geoinformation Systems, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartograhphy, Springer, Heidelberg, 229-246, 2008.
Thomsen, A.; Breunig., M.; Butwilowski, E. (2008): Towards the Unified Modelling and Management of Topology in Multiple Representation Databases. PFG (2008) Nr. 3, E. Schweizerbart´sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 176-185.
Thomsen, A.; Breunig, M. (2007): Some Remarks on Topological Abstraction in Multi Representation Databases. In: Popovich, Schrenk, Korolenko (eds.): Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems. Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop IF&GIS 2007, St. Petersburg, Russia. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography LNG&C, Springer 2007 234-251.
Breunig, M.; Thomsen, A.; Broscheit, B.; Butwilowski, E.; Sander, U. (2007): Representation and analysis of topology in Multi-Representation Databases. Proceedings of Photogrammetric Image Analysis Conference PIA07, Munich, 167-172, 2007
Thomsen, A.; Breunig, M.; Broscheit, B.; Butwilowski, E. (2007): Modelling and Managing Topology in 3D Geoinformation Systems. Workshop 3DGeoInfo, Delft, 2007
Thomsen, A.; Breunig, M. (2007): Some remarks to topological abstraction in multi representation databases. Proceedings of 3rd Internat. Workshop on Information Fusion and Geographical Information Systems IF&GIS-07, St. Petersburg, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer, Heidelberg, 234-251, 2007.
Breunig, M.; Bär, W.; Thomsen, A.; Häußler, J.; Kipfer, A.; Kandawasvika, A.; Mäs, S.; Reinhardt, W.; Wang, F.; Brand, S.; Staub, G.; Wiesel, J. (2006): Advancement of Mobile Geoservices: Potential and Experiences. Geotech Science Report 2006
Breunig, M.; Bär, W.; Thomsen, A.; Coeho, A.H.; Staub, G.; Wursthorn, S. (2005): Ein Blick in die Zukunft: Datenbankunterstützung für mobile AR Systeme. Proc. 8. Workshop des GI Arbeitskreises „Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme“, http://www.m-dbis.de , „Mobile Datenbanken: heute, morgen und in 20 Jahren“, Karlsruhe, 85-96, 2005.
Thomsen, A.; Breunig, M.; Bär, W.; Cremers, A.B.; Siehl, A. (2005): Datenbankunterstützung für geologische Anwendungen. In: Coors/Zipf (Hrsg.): 3D-Geoinformationssysteme- Grundlagen und Anwendungen, Wichmann Verlag, 40-55, Heidelberg,2005.
Thomsen, A. (2005): Räumliche Operationen für geowissenschaftliche 3D-DBMS. In: Coors/Zipf (Hrsg.): 3D-Geoinformationssysteme - Grundlagen und Anwendungen, Wichmann Verlag, 40-55, Heidelberg,2005.
Balovnev, O.; Bode, T.; Breunig, B.; Cremers, A.B.; Müller, W.; Pogodaev, G.; Shumilov, S.; Siebeck, J.; Siehl, A.; Thomsen, A. (2004): The Story of GeoToolKit - an Object-oriented Geo-Database Kernel System. Geoinformatica 8:1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 5-47.
Breunig, M.; Bär, W.; Thomsen, A. (2004): Advancement of Geoservices - Services for Geoscientific Applications based on a 3D-Geodatabase Kernel. Statustreffen Geotechnologien 2004.

Breunig, M.; Bär, W.; Thomsen, A. (2004): Konzeption datenbankgestützter 3D-Geodienste. GeoLeipzig 2004, Leipzig, 29. Sept. – 1 Okt. In: Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Heft 34, Hannover, p.69, 2004.

Breunig, M.; Bär, W.; Thomsen, A. (2004): Usage of Spatial Data Stores for Geo-Services. Proceedings of the 8th Intern. AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, April 29th- May 1st, Heraklion, Greece, 687-696, 2004.
Breunig, M.; Cremers, A.B.; Shumilov, S.; Siebeck, J.; Thomsen, A. (2004): Selected Spatio-Temporal Data Types and Operations for a 3D/4D Geological Information System. Proc. 16th Internat. Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management SSDBM, J une 21st-23rd, 111-114, Santorin, Greece, 2004.
Balovnev, O.; Bode, T.; Breunig, B.; Cremers, A.B.; Müller, W.; Pogodaev, G.; Shumilov, S.; Siebeck, J.; Siehl, A.; Thomsen, A. (2004): The Story of GeoTookKit - an Object-oriented Geo-Database Kernel System. Geoinformatica 8:1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 5-47, 2004.
Siebeck, J.; Shumilov, S.; Cremers, A.B.; Breunig, M.; Thomsen, A. (2004): Selected Spatio-Temporal Data Types and Operations for a 3D/4D Geological Information System. 16th Int. Conf. on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM'04) Santorini Island, Greece June 21-June 23. pp. 111, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA.
Siehl, A.; Thomsen, A. (2003): Scale Problems in Geometric-Kinematic Modelling of Geological Objects. Neugebauer, H.J., Simmer, C.(eds.): Dynamics of Multiscale Earth Systems. Springer lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 97, 2003.
Thomsen, A.; Siehl, A. (2002): Towards a balanced 3D kinematic model of a faulted domain - the Berg­heim open pit mine, Lower Rhine Basin. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences/Geol.Mijnbouw, 81(2): 241-250, 2002.
Shumilov, S.; Thomsen, A.; Cremers, A.B.; Koos, B. (2002): Management and Visualization of large, complex and time-dependent 3D Objects in Distributed GIS. Proc. 10th ACM-GIS’02, 113-118, 2002.
Juch, D.; Thomsen, A.; Spirina, O.; Karlashenko, I.; Piskovaya, T.; Ryabcev, R. (2000): A database sup­ported 3D-geometric model for computer based assessment and volumetric calculations of hard coal deposits in the Donets basin - Results of a joint Ukrainian German project. Proc. 4th European Coal Conference, Ustron, Poland. Pol.Geol.Inst.Spec.Pap.,7. 119-124, Warszawa, 2000.



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